1Win Privacy Policy

You immediately agree to the terms of the privacy policy when you establish an account at 1Win using the desktop website, mobile website, or mobile app. It is designed to help users put the principles guiding the gathering, handling, and use of personal data on the betting platform into action.

Get to know 1Win's privacy policy.

How Does the Privacy Policy Work at 1win?

By creating an account, each user formally accepts all the limitations specified in the 1Win privacy policy. This document outlines the goals and processes for collecting, storing, using, and protecting consumer personal information. Please read this policy before registering on the official 1win website or the mobile app. Personal data is the broad term for any information that may be used to distinguish one user from another as a unique customer. It might be a first name, last name, birth date, or any other piece of information.
When you first visit the 1Win website and agree to the use of cookies, your device begins sending us personal information. The first four are IP address, location, smartphone model, and operating system version. Then, you voluntarily provide us additional information when you use the website and 1Win app, complete forms, and make financial transactions. Some of the main objectives outlined in the 1Win Privacy Policy for processing customer personal data include the following:

  • Creating effective marketing strategies;
  • Putting in place tailored promotions;
  • Ensuring the security of financial transactions;
  • Preventing fraud and money laundering and so on.

By gathering and using personal customer data, 1Win can raise the level of its services generally and provide its clients a safer setting. For its part, 1Win guarantees that personal information won’t be disclosed to or made accessible to the public. We use many layers of encryption to encrypt the data and store it on secure servers. Additional protection is provided by the website’s integration of the HTTPS and SSL security standards.
Personal customer information may only be given to law enforcement personnel in situations where there is a plausible accusation of fraud or other financial abuse by a potential criminal. Additionally, the 1Win privacy policy enables the use of certain information in combination with promotional materials if a player wins a significant award or a jackpot.
If you do not wish to receive personal information from us, please contact 1Win Support, and we will cease collecting your information.
